« Voici, je te rendrai petit parmi les nations,
tu seras l’objet du plus grand mépris.
L’orgueil de ton cœur t’a égaré,
toi qui habites le creux des rochers,
qui t’assieds sur les hauteurs,
et qui dis en toi-même :
Qui me précipitera jusqu’à terre ?
Quand tu placerais ton nid aussi haut que celui de l’aigle,
quand tu le placerais parmi les étoiles,
je t’en précipiterai, dit l’Éternel. […] »
Traduction : Louis Segond (1810-1885).
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Livre audio gratuit ajouté le 02/07/2015.
Lu par BruissementVoir plus
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Les plus aimés ❤️ (sélection)Voir plus
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Thanks for your interesting lesson, you could not have chosen a more lovely character, but not that easy to draw.
I have also watched your five minutes video about China and Chinese people with a very appropriate music indeed!!!
so I think you are right being very proud of your country and your ancestors.
As to the chosen name for your domain: quite good really!
I wish you: 爱
As a return, I write a post dedicated to you, in it I teach you a Chinese character 爱. Just pay it a visit and you’ll see my greeting.
Oh! What a cute message! I would not have thought being heard as far as from China. So you have a very good french to be able to listen to our works! Congratulation.
I am very keen on poetry and I love Musset too. I am a little proud that our French poems are also appreciated by people having another background.
Nice to meet you, Xiao Zhi An.
Lady, it’s better with music, she’s just a friend from afar. And I love this poem, I love Musset, I wish you love it too. I appreciate all your works, I can read french, and I keep listening everything you published here, it’s beautiful. My friend thanks you, and I thank you.
…………….. 萧 from China.
Yes, I would be very delighted to recite this poem for you and your girlfriend 🙂
My great pleasure!
However I need some time, several days, if you don’t mind.
May I ask you if you prefer with or without some music?
Your site, I have just visited a bit, seems to be very intersting…
Bonjure! Would you recite Musset’s Poem “Rappelle Toi”?
I want to my to-be girlfriend to listen this beautiful masterpiece, I haven’t found it here, so I dare ask you, who with angelical voice to recite it.
I thank you!
Merci! Merci! Please let me know!
Un merci est assez rare et tellement gentil: je vous trouve donc bien assez bavard 😉
A mon tour, je vous remercie pour votre attention assidue et souhaite que l’intérêt que vous portez à l’Écriture divine vous soit bénéfique.
Je sais, aujourd’hui je ne suis pas très bavard.